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you may have me aroimToken下载und for more years to come.

文章来源:imToken 更新时间:2023-10-31 09:08

Another healthcare thing our senior living community does for resident is a 30 minutes voluntary physical fitness test every year. Your perfromance on the test is compared to the same from last year and evaluated/explained to you for any suggested steps the resident should take to improve his/her life if needed. I just complete mine this year and found: 1. Compared with last year I improved my performances in three out of seven categories significantly and stay the same in four out of seven categories. 2. In none categories were my performance below the average of my age group. 3. Furthermore,。

in the 21 months here at BrookHaven community (BH), my composite brain score has decreased about 7-10% (depending on the exercise routine of the day) from my personal best achieved during my age of mid 70s. But in regular social interactions such cognitive declines are not yet noticeable. But it is one reason I stopped doing creative work (i.e. writing publishable papers since 2009). But my blog articles still do not invite ridicule and read by others in 70 copuntries around the world. God willing, you may have me around for more years to come. , I did not gain any weight even though I ate whatever I want and was never on a diet. I attribute this to the 6 out of seven per week daily exercises and the social environment (never out of things to do or people to talk to) at BH. We are well taken care of by the organization. You also know from my past blogs that I am a great advocate for brain exercises. In the 16 years I have been practicing this three times per week。


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