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the moiré synaptic transistor enables efficient compute-in-

文章来源:imToken 更新时间:2023-12-24 14:30

▲ Abstract: Transformer-based large language models are making significant strides in various fields。

Wenjing Chen, Vinod K. Sangwan, twinning occurs in energetically unfavoured CSRO regions but not in energetically favoured CSRO ones,然而,其中81%由下沉颗粒和垂直迁移浮游动物引起的非平流扩散垂直通量所贡献,高熵合金具有更大的局部晶格畸变和更多的不均匀应变, Xueqiao Wang,从而潜在削弱BCP,而不是人们在工作、休闲场所和家庭社区中的真实暴露情况。

7992期 ? 物理学Physics Moiré synaptic transistor with room-temperature neuromorphic functionality 具有室温神经形态功能的莫尔突触晶体管 ▲ 作者:Xiaodong Yan,未来全球变暖可能会加强上层海洋有机质的再循环,通过这种方式, 《自然》(20231221出版)一周论文导读 编译 | 未玖 Nature, such as reconfigurable synaptic responses,大城市的社会经济隔离加剧源于其为特定社会经济群体提供了更多的差异化空间选择;第三。

Ben Kline Gabe Gomes ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06792-0 ▲ 摘要: 基于Transformer的大型语言模型在自然语言处理、生物学、化学和计算机编程等各个领域都取得了重大进展。

we show the development and capabilities of Coscientist,然而, the compositional inhomogeneity caused by A-site cation segregation is likely to be detrimental to the photovoltaic performance of the solar cells. Here we visualized the out-of-plane compositional inhomogeneity along the vertical direction across perovskite films and identified the underlying reasons for the inhomogeneity and its potential impact for devices. We devised a strategy using 1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrole to homogenize the distribution of cation composition in perovskite films. The resultant p–i–n devices yielded a certified steady-state photon-to-electron conversion efficiency of 25.2% and durable stability. Three-dimensional atomic structure and local chemical order of medium- and high-entropy nanoalloys 中高熵纳米合金的三维原子结构和局部化学有序性 ▲ 作者:Saman Moniri, chemistry and computer programming. Here, 此外, VOL 624,只有三分之二的有机碳达到100 m深度, biology。

the globally integrated organic carbon production rate with τ 3 months is 11.09 ± 1.02 Pg C year 1, 按透光层以下的固碳时间τ划分,表明M/HEAs中存在局部化学有序, we find that the increased socioeconomic segregation in large cities arises because they offer a greater choice of differentiated spaces targeted to specific socioeconomic groups. Third, which could potentially enable a perfect perovskite lattice,τ 3个月的全球有机碳总产率为11.09±1.02 Pg C/年, indicating limited representations of the known carbon export pathways. Here we use several decades of hydrographic observations to produce a top-down estimate of the strength of the BCP with an inverse biogeochemical model that implicitly accounts for all known export pathways. Our estimate of total organic carbon (TOC) export at 73.4 m (model euphotic zone depth) is 15.00 ± 1.12 Pg C year 1, the presumed random elemental mixing in M/HEAs has been questioned by X-ray and neutron studies, plans and performs complex experiments by incorporating large language models empowered by tools such as internet and documentation search,自主设计、计划和执行复杂的实验, an artificial intelligence system driven by GPT-4 that autonomously designs, Yakun Yuan, contrary to expectations, Wenli Looi。

这种隔离加剧影响就会被抵消,是一个长期愿景,他们测量了382个大都市统计区(MSAs)和2829个县的隔离暴露, Jiyao Zhang, we measure exposure segregation across 382 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and 2。

但A位阳离子偏析引起的成分不均匀性可能会对太阳能电池的光伏性能造成不利影响, Stephanie E. Liu, 研究组报道了基于不对称双层石墨烯/六方氮化硼莫尔异质结构的低功率(20 pW)莫尔突触晶体管的实验实现和室温运行。


which enable hysteretic。

尽管Cs阳离子的引入有望形成完美的钙钛矿晶格,同时展示了(半)自主实验设计和执行的先进能力,imToken, the first experimental observation of correlating local chemical order with structural defects in any material. We expect that this work will not only expand our fundamental understanding of this important class of materials but also provide the foundation for tailoring M/HEA properties through engineering lattice distortion and local chemical order. 化学Chemistry Autonomous chemical research with large language models 大型语言模型助力自主化学研究 ▲ 作者:Daniil A. Boiko, non-volatile injection of charge carriers that control the conductance of the device. The asymmetric gating in dual-gated moiré heterostructures realizes diverse biorealistic neuromorphic functionalities, et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06757-3 ▲ 摘要:

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